The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

An article from the Vaccine journal

29 July 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Invasive pneumococcal disease is one of the most important vaccine-preventable diseases threatening the adult community due to missed opportunities for vaccination. This study...
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mHealth SMS text messaging interventions and to promote...

mHealth SMS text messaging interventions and to promote...

An article from the Journal of Clinical Nursing

27 July 2015
From the PubMed abstract: "This article is an integrative review of the evidence for mobile health Short Message Service text messages as an innovative and emerging intervention to promote medication adherence....
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The Mobile Insulin Titration Intervention (MITI) for...

The Mobile Insulin Titration Intervention (MITI) for...

Article from the Journal of Medical Internet Research

25 July 2015
From the JMIR Article: "The goals of this pilot study were to (1) evaluate if our Mobile Insulin Titration Intervention (MITI) intervention using text messaging and phone calls was effective in helping patients reach...
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Comparison of text-messaging to voice telephone...

Comparison of text-messaging to voice telephone...

Article from ScienceDirect

17 July 2015
From the PubMed abstract: "A number of 344 women who received TIV were randomly assigned to a telephone interview group. They were telephoned seven days post-vaccination and administered a standard survey soliciting...
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Designing text-messaging (SMS) in HIV programs

Designing text-messaging (SMS) in HIV programs

An Article from the Pan African Medical Journal

16 July 2015
From the Pub Med Abstract:"Text messages (SMS) are being increasingly integrated into HIV programs across Southern Africa to improve patient adherence, linkage to care and provide psycho-social support. Careful...
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