Data Aggregation - A Primer

Data Aggregation - A Primer

An article from the Northwest Regional Primary Care Association

1 March 2016
From the original article introduction: Healthcare is in the midst of a profound business model change. And we are all aware that the old model of “fee-for-service” medicine is over, and a new model...
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Exercise Is Really, Really Good For Your Brain

Exercise Is Really, Really Good For Your Brain

An article from Co.Exist

1 March 2016
From the introduction on Co.Exists: "Physical exercise is good for your brain. And I mean really good for it. The brain burns a ton of energy during exercise, much more, even, than if you were thinking really hard...
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Study Compares Drugs for Common Diabetic Eye Disease

1 March 2016
Title: Study Compares Drugs for Common Diabetic Eye Disease
Category: Health News
Created: 2/29/2016 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 3/1/2016 12:00:00 AM
Health, Motivation and the Near-Death Experience

Health, Motivation and the Near-Death Experience

A TED talk by Frank Rasler at TEDxDouglasville

25 February 2016
From the summary posted on YouTube: Healthcare is overwhelmingly devoted to disease intervention rather than prevention, yet so much of what we treat is preventable. After years of working to achieve happiness...
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Insulin Resistance

25 February 2016
Title: Insulin Resistance
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 2/10/2004 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/25/2016 12:00:00 AM