Keep Your Finances Simple to Ensure You Stay On Top of Them

27 April 2016

When it comes to your budget, mistakes are costly. An overdraft here, a late fee there, and you can pay way more than you need to. To prevent that from happening, reduce the complexity of your finances until they’re as simple as possible.


Avoid Self-Censoring to Keep Your Ideas Flowing

27 April 2016

The greatest enemy your ideas have is you. If you’ve ever shown off an idea only to have it shot down, you can easily slip into the habit of self-censoring. Avoid this trap if you want your ideas to flourish.


Finch Is a Robust Twitter Client That Hasn't Hit a Token...

27 April 2016

Android: Twitter clients are often pretty similar, but they suffer from a major downfall. Twitter’s dumb token limit . After popular client Fenix was pulled from the Play Store, Finch has stepped up as a new alternative in the meantime.


Why the Rent vs. Buy Debate Is Completely Pointless

27 April 2016

After saving up for a long time, I recently bought a home, which caught some of my friends off guard. “I thought you were anti-homeownership ,” they said because I think renting is underrated. Even as a homeowner, I still think renting is underrated. That doesn’t mean buying is a bad decision. The rent vs. buy debate is just silly overall. It ignores the enormous grey area that exists between the two options.

