Save an Extra 30% on Dorco's Already Stupid-Cheap Razor...

26 April 2016

Dorco, the best deal in razor blades and supplier of Dollar Shave Club , is taking 30% off all cartridge packs this week with promo code carts30now, plus free shipping.


The Best Way to Cook Different Cuts of Beef, in One Chart

26 April 2016

With so many different cuts of beef—from the 7-bone chuck roast to the tri-tip roast—figuring out the best way to cook a piece of beef can be confusing. This chart from the Cattlemen’s Beef Board and National Cattlemen’s Beef Association can help.


Don’t Waste Your Money on Homeopathic “Drugs”

26 April 2016

When you or your child is sick and all you care about is relief, you’ll perk up at any promise a pill bottle makes. But some of those packages hold no medicine at all, just homeopathic “remedies.” Their makers are legally allowed to lie to you and say these products cure disease, even though they absolutely definitely do not.


The Best and Worst Cities for New Grads to Start a Career

26 April 2016

If you’re an upcoming or recent college grad ready to launch your career, the city you live in could make a big difference in your pay and possible career advancement. Bankrate ranked the 100 largest cities in the US with strong economies to tell you which ones are the best bet for your career growth.


The Worst Ways Cable Companies Confuse You Into Paying More

26 April 2016

Thanks to confusing bundles, hidden charges, misleading promises, and obscure terms, everyone agrees that cable TV and internet providers are the absolute worst. I tried to comparison shop for internet service in my area and ended up an awful mess of sketchy terms, and upsells. It shouldn’t be like this.

