Remains of the Day: Comcast Increases Data Cap From...

27 April 2016

I love having fun on the internet, but sometimes I have too much fun and my ISP gets mad. In fact on Comcast there’s a 300GB data limit per month! But they’re finally giving in to complaints about that very arbitrary cap and increasing it to a big honking terabyte.


These Four Common Insects Can Help You Find Water In a...

27 April 2016

If you’re lost out in the wild, finding a source of drinkable water is one of your number one priorities. These four pesky little bugs might actually save your life.


Make a Temperature Indicator for Your Faucet With...

27 April 2016

It can take a while for water running from the faucet to get hot. Yeah, you can wait around with your finger under the water, but it would be a lot easier if you could see when it’s finally hot. This clever DIY temperature indicator does just that.


Four Red Flags to Watch Out for in Job Interviews

27 April 2016

The day has come: You’re finally interviewing at your dream company, for your dream job! It’s in the perfect industry and the role is a near perfect match for your skills and background. Plus it’ll keep you on track for your five-year plan. All good, right? Maybe not.

