Earlier this year, Trello introduced premium third-party integrations called power-ups with the likes of GitHub, Slack, Evernote, and more. Today, those power-ups are not available to free users of the service.
Update: Sold out. Hope you got one!
One of the absolute worst parts of browsing the internet on your phone is those obnoxious pop-ups that force you to click a tiny little “X” to get past an ad. They’re frustrating, often don’t work properly, and they make some sites unusable. Good news though, Google’s hoping to kill off those ads.
Sony announced that PlayStation Now, their game streaming service previously limited to a small share of devices like the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and Vita, is on its way to Windows PCs this fall.
Android Nougat has officially dropped and now the wait begins. If you’re the impatient type, however, you can skip ahead and download the latest Android hotness right now.