Your Budget Should Make Your Life Less Stressful, Not More

23 August 2016

Money problems will stress anyone. However, your budget shouldn’t be adding to the stress. It should be removing it. If your budget plan is causing you more stress than it’s relieving, you might want to consider changing it.


Boomerang's Respondable Helps You Craft An Email That...

23 August 2016

If you want to get a reply to your email, you can start by writing a good one. Boomerang has had some helpful tips to do this in the past , but now the company is taking it a step further. Its new feature Respondable will rate your emails on the fly in a few key categories.


The Coolest Features of Android Nougat You Might Have Missed

23 August 2016

Yesterday, Google released Android Nougat for Nexus owners. It comes with some sweet new headlining features like multi-window support and bundled notifications. After digging into the developer preview we found even more treats that you might’ve missed.


The Geologist's Fieldwork Bag

22 August 2016

Like any job, a geologist needs a very special set of tools for each duty, but it’s what they bring along with them every day that’s interesting. Over on Everyday Carry, reader Chris Medidas shares his bag.

