Keep Pitcher Drinks Properly Chilled with Muffin Tin Ice...

22 August 2016

Using muffin tins to freeze ice cubes is perfect for making a ton of ice at once or freezing whole lemon slices for a citrus boost, but it’s also a great way to make ice cubes that are the ideal size for keeping pitchers and punch bowls chilled.


Remains of the Day: Twitter for iOS Gets a Night Mode

22 August 2016

It’s twilight for Twitter on iOS. In a good way! The iPhone version of the app finally has an optional dark color scheme for your late night tweetstorms. I welcome the darkness.


Plan to Admit That You're Wrong At Least Once In Every...

22 August 2016

Nobody likes someone who refuses to admit they’re wrong. It makes you look childish, stubborn, and unwilling to see other perspectives. You can make yourself a lot less hardheaded during a debate if you plan to say you’re wrong at least once.


Why You Probably Shouldn't Pick Your Nose

22 August 2016

Picking your nose probably won’t kill you, but it’s not exactly a healthy habit either. Not only does picking your nose look gross, it could be leaving the door open for dangerous bacteria that want to call your nose home.

