Use the Half-Bluff Technique to Bluff Better in Poker...

27 August 2016

All the poker bosses in movies have mastered the art of the bluff, tricking their opponents into believing whatever they want. You might not be able to pull that off, but the half-bluff is easier and potentially more effective.


The Best School Snacks, According to a Nutritionist

27 August 2016

Sometimes picking a snack for your child (or yourself) is more challenging than planning an actual meal. To help guide you through this culinary mine field, Bon Appetit spoke to Registered Dietitian Abby Langer about the most—and least—healthy school snacks.


Why You Shouldn't Be Embarrassed By Hair on Your Nipples

27 August 2016

Okay, so the topic of hair growing on or around your nipples isn’t exactly a part of everyday conversation, but it’s totally normal for both dudes and ladies alike, and it’s nothing to be worried or ashamed of. Here’s why.


Top 10 Clever Ways to Repurpose Your Kitchen Scraps

27 August 2016

Vegetable peels, coffee grounds, corn cobs, dryer lint—they’re all waste for sure, but there’s treasure in that trash. You could compost them, that’s obvious, but let’s talk about some more clever ways to reuse those kitchen scraps before they make it to the bin.


What Causes a Squealing Shower and How to Fix It

27 August 2016

Not looking forward to your shower giving an operatic performance every time you bathe? It’s a pretty common problem—showers that make an annoying high-pitched squeal when you run the water—but you can probably fix it yourself.

