Amazon's Deeply Discounting Dozens of Household...

26 August 2016

On a typical day, Amazon will run highly discounted Gold Box deals on a handful of diverse and unrelated products. But today, for whatever reason, they’re all about cleaning supplies.


Take the 30-Day Track Everything Challenge to Get a...

26 August 2016

For the veteran budget handler, whether you need to track every single expense is debatable . If you’ve never done it, though, try the 30-day tracking challenge. Simply keep track of every penny you spend for a month.


Dropbox Will Make You Change Your Password If You...

26 August 2016

If you’ve been using Dropbox for over four years and you haven’t changed your password since then, then two things are true. One, you haven’t been reading Lifehacker very long . More importantly, two: Dropbox is about to make you change it.


Navbar Tuner Unlocks a Hidden Nav Bar Customizer In...

26 August 2016

Android Nougat : Google likes to play around with experimental features in Android betas. One such nixed feature is a powerful tool that lets you customize the little bar at the bottom of your screen with the Home and Back buttons. If you have a certain few Nexuses, you can get it back.

