Hold Down the Option Key When Switching Between Apps on...

26 August 2016

If you use the handy Command+Tab keyboard shortcut to switch between apps on Mac, you may have noticed that when you select an app you’ve minimized, the app just shows the menu bar and not the window. Turns out holding down the Option key is all you need to do to pull the window up too.


Sprint's New Unlimited Plan Lets You Pay to Only Get...

26 August 2016

Carriers are starting to revive the idea of unlimited data plans, but they all seem to have a catch. For example, T-Mobile’s new plan limits you to SD video. Sprint’s last unlimited plan did the same, but now they’re letting you pay an extra $20/month for the privilege of streaming higher quality video, audio, and games.


Simplenote for iOS Adds Support for Markdown

26 August 2016

iOS: Simplenote’s long been one of our favorite syncing notes apps , and the iOS version is getting a little better with an update that adds in support for Markdown .


Here’s How Much Slower You Run When It’s Humid

26 August 2016

The hotter it is, the slower you run —but humidity plays a role too. When the air is full of moisture, sweating doesn’t cool you down like it usually would. You won’t be able to run as fast, because your body is trying to prevent you from overheating.


Make a Delicious No-Bake Pie Crust Out of Golden Grahams

26 August 2016

As a child, I was deprived of the joy that is “sugary cereal.” This denial sparked an obsession, and I am always looking for ways to cram more of the stuff into my life and mouth. I have found my next project, and it is a no-bake Golden Graham pie crust.

