Swap In a More Exciting Flour to Elevate Your Pound Cake

17 October 2016

I love a classic pound cake, but sometimes it can be nice to mix it up a bit. Alice Medrich has figured out a clever way to add new flavors and depth to the buttery loaf, and you only need to make one little swap.


Learn the Basics of the C Programming Language With This...

17 October 2016

C is one of many programming languages that are useful to learn as a beginner. MagPi, the official Raspberry Pi magazine, put together a book that helpfully walks you through the basics.


Planks Still Work Even If You Don’t Hold Them Forever

17 October 2016

We’ve told you how to do planks, and why to do planks, and what to do instead of planks when you get bored of planks. But there’s a critical thing about planks we forgot to tell you: you don’t have to hold the position until you collapse.


How I Successfully Traded Cars With Some Guy From Craigslist

17 October 2016

Ever seen “will trade” in a used car ad? I know I have, and I wondered: does anybody seriously swap cars with total strangers? Turns out they do. I did, and rolled away with my dream car. (And possibly tetanus.) Here’s how I traded my Toyota pickup truck for a rare old 1975 International Scout.

