How Much You Have to Make to Buy a Home In 27 Major U.S....

22 October 2016

Buying a house is a big financial decision, and you need to make sure you’re able to pay for it. If you’re comparing cities, this chart shows you how much you need to earn in 27 major cities before you can safely buy a home.


Make a Giant Candy Bar That Is Truly Fun-Size

22 October 2016

In terms of candy bars, the term “fun-size” has always been a lie, which is why Epicurious has perfected the art of making giant, chocolaty treats that truly embody the word “fun.”


Where to Find Offal and Other Obscure Meats and Why You...

22 October 2016

In many parts of the world, it’s not uncommon to eat other bits of an animal, such as ears, stomach, feet, liver, tail, or intestines. Of course, it helps that they’re cheaper and easier to get in other countries, but if you’re willing to try something new, don’t miss out on these delicious, varied sources of vitamins and protein.


Top 10 Election Tools to Turn You Into an Informed Voter

22 October 2016

Whatever your thoughts on the election or the Presidential candidates, the best voter is an educated voter—and it’s important to remember there’s more at stake than just the White House. These tools will help you find out what, and make the best decision in the voting booth.

