The Carrot

25 May 2011
The Carrot is a tool to help you track your progress towards goals. The tool is available as a web site and as an iPhone app. The tool allows you to select different kinds of trackers. They have trackers for physical activity, food consumption, medication taking, smoking, etc. Every day you use the trackers to record data about yourself, then you can visit the site to see visualizations of your data. You can also select what parameters are shown in your reports, which you can print or email ...

Google Website Optimizer

25 May 2011
Google Website Optimizer is a service that lets you find what works best for your website. You can do simple experiments in an A/B testing style to serve different versions of a site to users and see analytics as to how users respond.

Clicky Web Analytics

25 May 2011
Clicky Web Analytics is a web analytic service that gives you information about the visitors to your website. It allows you to also check the status of you website on the go with a smartphone app. Features include real-time analysis, visitor segmentation, and twitter analytics to see whose talking about your web service.


25 May 2011
AnalyzeWords is a service that performs linguistic analysis on any Twitter account in order to reveal the user's personality. Personality is broken down into emotional style (upbeat to depressed), social style ("plugged in" to "spacy valley girl"), and thinking style ("analytic" to "in-the-moment".) The analysis is performed by analyzing the usually unnoticed text of "junk words", such as articles, pronouns, and prepositions. The analysis was developed by the University of Texas, Austin.


25 May 2011
Toodledo is a web and mobile task manager. It can be used to keep track of tasks, featuring deadlines, location-based context, time tracking, and other features. It is available for the iPhone as well as on the web.