Cortana Can Now Make To-Do Lists and Connect to Your...

17 November 2016

Microsoft’s digital assistant Cortana recently updated with a new list making feature. Now you can create shopping lists, manage to-do lists, and even connect to your Wunderlist account with your voice.


The Psychological Reasons We Shop Like Crazy on Black Friday

17 November 2016

Even if you’re not planning a doorbuster run, there’s no escaping Black Friday madness. Stores have been “leaking” deals since October, teasing shoppers with previews, and even trying to lure shopping humbugs with special online deals and flash sales. Though the numbers were down last year, shoppers still spent an…


Workflow Makes It Easier to Create, Share, and Import...

17 November 2016

iOS: Workflow is an intensely powerful app for iOS that allows you to create small little micro-apps that trigger specific actions inside an app, like instantly capturing a note in Notes or downloading a file from a URL. It’s always been relatively complex to use, but today it’s getting easier.

Read more... Adds a Smart Assistant To Help Plan and Complete...

17 November 2016 is rolling out an update to its to-do apps to include an AI-driven smart assistant thats goal is to help you complete tasks as soon as possible. Also included in the update are an integrated calendar and real-time sync.


This DIY Electric Skateboard Is Powered by a Raspberry...

17 November 2016

If you’re looking for a fun weekend project and have a Pi Zero lying around, consider making your own electric, powered skateboard like this one from The Raspberry Pi Guy. Controlled with an old Wiimote and capable of 30 km/h (about 19 mph), it’s not a bad way to get around town.

