AirDroid 4 Lets You Share Files With Nearby Friends, No...

18 November 2016

Android: AirDroid is one of our favorite Android companion apps, and now it’s getting a pretty big update. The coolest new feature lets you share files with people near you, even if you don’t have an internet connection.


The Less Content You Are, the More You Devalue Your Money

18 November 2016

Having money means having buying power. Spending all your money on stuff you don’t need or want, however, reduces the power your money has to actually improve your life. Being content, counter-intuitively, gives your money more power.


Will It Sous Vide? Glorious Thanksgiving Sides

18 November 2016

Hello, my dearest dears, and welcome back to another festive installment of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever you want me to with my immersion circulator.


Weekly update 9

Weekly update 9

18 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesLots on this week and I'm very happy to have finally got myself organised and set up an audio podcast feed. It's getting a heap...
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Weekly update 9

Weekly update 9

18 November 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesLots on this week and I'm very happy to have finally got myself organised and set up an audio podcast feed. It's getting a heap...
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