Facebook Is Rolling Out Tools to Report Fake News and Hoaxes

15 December 2016

Fake news has been a big talking point the last few weeks, and today, Facebook’s finally rolling out tools to help you report fake news so that it doesn’t continue to spread.


Breather Finds Affordable Spaces for Events, or to Work...

15 December 2016

If you need a meeting room, conference hall, photo studio, or other venue for an event or meeting with someone you’d like to impress, Breather can help. The service is kind of an AirBnb for professional and coworking spaces, complete with listings and tools to help you book.


LinkLocker Is a Private, Locked-Down Bookmarking...

15 December 2016

Most services you might use to save links for future reference or reading are part social network and part sharing service. They’re designed to help you share those links, or make big lists. LinkLocker is none of those—it’s completely private, and the only person who can see your bookmarks is you. It’s perfect.


Use These Ratios to Work Any Citrus Fruit Into a Recipe

15 December 2016

It’s citrus season, and you may find yourself with a crate or two of tangelos, clementines, or navel oranges. If you need to use up a surplus, but don’t have a recipe for that exact fruit, you can swap it out for what you do have using the below guide from Cook’s Illustrated.

