If You’re Traveling With Gifts, Be Prepared for TSA to...

14 December 2016

If you’re traveling with gifts, you might want to skip wrapping them. As the TSA points out, wrapped gifts are fine, but they may need to be unwrapped in some cases.


Why Sauce Sticks to Some Brands of Pasta Better Than Others

14 December 2016

If you eat a lot of pasta, you may have noticed that some brands seem to absorb sauce better than others. To understand why this is, Cook’s Illustrated looked into pasta manufacturing processes, and how they affect texture.


Make a DIY Camera Lens Case Out of Plastic Bottles

14 December 2016

Being a casual photographer without much gear, I’m reluctant to spend money on things like proper camera bags and cases. I’d rather MacGyver a solution with whatever’s on hand—like this DIY lens case made from plastic bottles and bubble wrap.


Cook Everybody's Omelettes at the Same Time with This...

14 December 2016

Multiple omelettes usually means one person has to do the cooking and then everyone can’t eat together. AllRecipes has the solution by boiling them in a bag, which lets you make up to eight omelettes simultaneously.


Evernote Employees Can Read Your Notes, and There's No...

14 December 2016

Evernote just posted an update to its Privacy Policy that details how the company will make use of some new machine learning tools. In order for those tools to work, Evernote will need to allow a human review of your notes, and that’s not the only reason an employee would look at your notes.

