You Can Probably Credit Your Genes for These Facial Features

21 April 2017
Twins study found DNA most at play for nose's tip, area around lips, cheekbones
Source: HealthDay

Blood Pressure: Know Your Numbers

19 April 2017

The results offer clues to your health

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Source: HealthDay

Race May Play Role in Obese Teens' Blood Pressure

11 April 2017

Extra pounds appear more problematic for whites and Hispanics, study finds

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Source: HealthDay

These 5 Life Skills Can Boost Your Odds of Well-Being

11 April 2017

People with these traits more likely to be healthier, less lonely and more financially stable, study finds

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Source: HealthDay

Self-Harm Can Be a Harbinger of Suicide

3 April 2017

Risk highest when patients used violent method to hurt themselves

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Source: HealthDay