What Harms the Young Heart Also Hurts the Brain Later

10 May 2017
High blood pressure, smoking in teens tied to worse mental functioning at mid-life, study finds
Source: HealthDay

Energy Drinks May Make Rare Heart Condition More Dangerous

9 May 2017

Those with long QT syndrome had spikes in blood pressure, heart muscle recharged more slowly, study found

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

This Is How Much Vaginal Discharge is Normal

9 May 2017
A picture of a woman.

It’s totally normal to have vaginal discharge, a sort of whitish fluid, showing up in your underwear (if you are a person who has a vagina). But if you’re seeing a lot of it, you may wonder, how much is okay? In this video, gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter demonstrates.

After Suicide Attempt, a Phone Call Could Save a Life

7 May 2017
Simple follow-up can prevent a future try, study shows
Source: HealthDay

Just a 'Social Smoker'? Toll on Your Health Still High

5 May 2017

Study found lighting up occasionally as damaging to blood vessel health as regular smoking

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay