Sharing Sensitive Health Information: Protect Your...

Sharing Sensitive Health Information: Protect Your...

A guide from the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology

31 March 2018

This 2-page ONC published graphic novel (aka comic book) is a short guide that helps illustrate why protecting your health privacy is important and issues to consider when sharing sensitive health information.

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Be More Involved in Your Health Care: Tips for Patients

Be More Involved in Your Health Care: Tips for Patients

Guidelines from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

26 March 2018
This brochure gives you tips to use before, during, and after your medical appointment to make sure you get the best possible care. Select for a card to list the questions you want to ask during your...
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Keeping track of medical records is key to protecting...

Keeping track of medical records is key to protecting...

An article from Consumer Reports as reported by the Washington Post

14 February 2018
This article by Consumer Reports, reported on in the Washington Post provides a good summary and use case as to why keeping a personal health record (PHR) can be valuable to your overall health. It discusses how many...
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Dos and don’ts for patients who consult Dr. Google

Dos and don’ts for patients who consult Dr. Google

A Blog Post from Kevin Pho M.D.

30 October 2017
Dr. Kevin Pho offers consumers and patients some personal advice on how best to present your personal research to a doctor trying to assit you with your ailments. In short, an informed patient is absolutely a good...
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Sharing Your Electronic Health Record (EHR)

Sharing Your Electronic Health Record (EHR)

A Video from the NIH All of Us Research Program Channel

27 October 2017
From the NIH YouTube Channel: Do you know what information is contained in your electronic health record (EHR)? Eric Dishman, director of the All of Us Research Program, explains what’s in your EHR and why...
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