The Differences Between Antibiotics, Antibacterials, and...

31 May 2016

There’s a bit more to first aid than just cleaning a wound and slapping on a band-aid. Store shelves are littered with antibiotics like Neosporin, antiseptics like peroxide, and more. Let’s go over the differences.


Format Encrypted Drives as ExFAT to Make them Play Nice...

31 May 2016

After our Windows encryption showdown , reader Jerod passed along this tip to make sure your encrypted volumes, especially external hard drives, in Windows play nicely with other platforms like OS X—just format them as exFAT, and they’ll be mountable, readable, and writable everywhere you go.


How Much It Costs to Fly With a Pet on the Most Popular...

31 May 2016

A big move with a pet can be tough, and most experts recommend you avoid flying with them if at all possible. If there’s no way around it, though, you want to be prepared, and that means knowing how much the flight will cost. Here’s how much the major U.S. airlines charge for flying with a pet.


The Countries Where Your Vacation Dollars Will Go Farthest

31 May 2016

Stretching your vacation budget by finding cheap places to travel is great, but if you have a particular spot in mind, this index shows you how to figure out when’s the right time to visit to get the most for your dollars.

