What You Should Know About the New Social Security Rules

1 June 2016

Social Security is already a hot-button issue, and recent changes have people really freaking out about it, which makes it tough to get past the outrage and just navigate the facts. Here’s what you should know about the changes.


The Action (Figure) Packed Workspace

31 May 2016

Reader Norma just decided to renovate her workspace, and did it all for just shy of $800. She has tons of before and after pictures over at Flickr, but we’re going to focus on the after shots here, because they look great. Room to work, tons of storage for games, and lots of action figures.


The Exercise You Need to Go From "Skinny Fat" to Fit

31 May 2016

If you have a slender frame, but still have a gut and flab in certain areas of the body, you might consider yourself “skinny fat.” There’s nothing bad or unhealthy about being shaped that way, but if you feel the desire to change it, here’s how.


Remains of the Day: You Can Now Complain to Airbnb About...

31 May 2016

Airbnb can be great for both travelers and hosts with extra space to spare, but what if your neighbors are constantly renting out their place to rowdy partiers? Now you can tattle directly to the company when your neighbors and their renters do not maintain your Mister Rogers-level standards.


Get Over a Breakup With "Redemptive Narrative" Journaling

31 May 2016

There are a lot of great reasons to keep a journal , and getting over a breakup might be one of them. The key is using your words to reframe your suffering into a positive, or at least meaningful, experience.

