If You Have to Return Your Cable Equipment in Person,...

8 June 2016

Cable companies don’t make it easy to quit . And one of the most annoying things about canceling cable is having to return the cable box in person. You take time off to go to the facility, wait in line, and, even after your number is called, it can still be a pain. Finance writer Libby Kane offers a simple solution: pay someone to do it for you.


How to Cool Off and Stay Safe in Public Pools

8 June 2016

The cool, glistening waters of public pools are certainly seductive on a hot summer day. But if they’re not properly maintained and treated, these public pools spread germs that can cause unpleasant illnesses and ruin the fun. Here’s what you need to know to stay safe (and cool) in a public pool.


Do Not Take Out A Home Equity Loan To Pay For Your Car

8 June 2016

I recently heard what is possibly the worst piece of car buying advice I’ve ever heard: my father-in-law, who is in the market for a car, was told that rather than get a car loan, he should take a home equity loan instead. Here’s why that is a horrible idea.


You Use a Keyboard All Day, So It's Worth $60 to Go...

8 June 2016

This Gigabyte mechanical keyboard’s versatile Cherry MX Red switches are great for both work and play, its chassis isn’t in-your-face like most mechanical gaming keyboards, and at $60, it’s one of the most affordable Cherry MX-based mechanical keyboards we’ve ever seen.


Beat Procrastination With “Temptation Bundling”

8 June 2016

Whether it’s jogging or studying for a final, it’s common to motivate yourself with a reward for completing tasks you dread doing. The old carrot-and-stick method can work, but researcher Katy Milkman suggests a better version: temptation bundling.

