Build Your Own Voltmeter with an Arduino

7 June 2016

Voltmeters aren’t terribly expensive, but it’s always more fun to build your own devices. YouTube DIYer Educ8s builds a cheap voltmeter for less than $10 using an Arduino and a voltage sensor.


We Have a Natural Bias to Try and Earn More Instead of...

7 June 2016

If you need money, the natural inclination for most of us is to figure out how to earn more money. Writing for Scientific American, behavioral economist Dan Ariely , Kristen Berman, and Wendy De La Rosa take a look at why that is and how that’s not always a good option.


How Not To Lose Friends To Parenthood

7 June 2016

There’s an idea that parallel universes exist simultaneously, and every possible outcome of every event in history is happening within them. If this is right, then somewhere in time and space, Dez Bryant made that catch , baby Donald Trump died of SIDS, 9/11 wasn’t an inside job and Rougned Odor still punched the shit out of Jose Bautista , but this time they were bipedal saber-toothed tigers.


Paper, the iOS Drawing and Notes App, Simplifies...

7 June 2016

iOS: Paper is easily one of the best drawing apps on iOS , and recent updates have added in the ability to write to-do lists and other notes. Those new features were welcome, but made it a little tough to navigate the app. Thankfully, a new and improved sidebar fixes that.

