54 Million People Labeled Obese Or Overweight Aren't Actually Unhealthy

54 Million People Labeled Obese Or Overweight Aren't Actually Unhealthy

54 Million People Labeled Obese Or Overweight Aren't Actually Unhealthy

An Article from Co.Exist

The potential problem with BMI as a health score described in Co.Exist:

The study, published in the International Journal of Obesity, notes that BMI scores are increasingly used in corporate wellness programs to determine health. Under new rules, employers will be able to penalize staff up to 30% of their health insurance costs should their BMI fall outside a specified range. Given the discrepancy, the UCLA researchers say it's a matter of importance that regulators "not rely on BMI when formulating health policy."

  • 24 April 2016
  • Author: Nathan E Botts
  • Number of views: 4174
  • Comments: 0
Categories: Wellness
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