Nathan E Botts / Wednesday, February 8, 2017 / Categories: Mental Health MHSR Day 2 Symposium: Health Home Model Effecting Persons with Mental Health Conditions MHSR Day 2 Symposium: Health Home Model Effecting Persons with Mental Health ConditionsThe National Institute of Mental Health hosted the 23rd Conference on Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) with the theme, “Harnessing Science to Strengthen the Public Health Impact.” The MHSR is the nation’s premier mental health services research conference. The August 1-2, 2016 conference brought together leading mental health services researchers, clinicians, mental health advocates, and federal and nonfederal partners. This video from Day 2 of the MHSR Conference captures the Symposium: Impact of a Health Home Model at Effecting Population Health for Persons with Mental Health Conditions Receiving Care in a Primary Care or Community Mental Health Setting. The video features Chair: Stephen Crystal, Ph.D., Rutgers University Discussant: Joseph Parks, M.D., Missouri HealthNet, Division of the Missouri Department of Social Services Impact of a Statewide CMHC Based Health Home Model on Cardiometabolic Screening for Persons with Severe Mental Illness Sheree Neese-Todd, M.A., Rutgers University Impact of a Statewide Primary Care Based Health Home Model on ER Utilization among Enrollees with a Mental Health Condition Jodi Heaps-Woodruff, Ph.D., University of Missouri-St. Louis, Missouri Institute of Mental HealthLink to original article Previous Article D II Symposium Day21pm Next Article G II Symposium Day2245pm Print 375 Rate this article: No rating 0Upvote 0Downvote Leave a comment Name: Please enter a name. Email: Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Comment: Please enter comment. Add comment