Nathan E Botts / Thursday, June 23, 2016 / Categories: Mental Health Facial Emotion Study Facial Emotion StudyDrs Ellen Leibenluft and Melissa Brotman, NIMH Emotion and Development Branch, explain a study aimed at reducing irritability in children by re-training their responses to facial emotion. For more information, see NIMH Science Update: Game Corrects Children's Misreading of Emotional Faces to Tame Irritability NIMH research studies focusing on severe irritability are enrolling participants ages 6-16. For more information, visit the website, call 301-496-8381 or email [email protected]Link to original article Previous Article Irritability in Children - How Parents Can Help Next Article Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder Print 608 Rate this article: No rating 0Upvote 0Downvote Leave a comment Name: Please enter a name. Email: Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Comment: Please enter comment. Add comment