Text message reminders do not improve hepatitis B...

Text message reminders do not improve hepatitis B...

An article from the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association

24 October 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "In September 2008, Sydney Sexual Health Centre implemented an SMS reminder system. The authors assessed the impact of the reminder system on HBV vaccination rates among patients who...
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The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

The effect of various types of patients' reminders on...

An article from the Vaccine journal

29 July 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Invasive pneumococcal disease is one of the most important vaccine-preventable diseases threatening the adult community due to missed opportunities for vaccination. This study...
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Improving treatment adherence for blood pressure...

Improving treatment adherence for blood pressure...

An article from BMC Family Practice

3 July 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "Effective use of proven treatments for high blood pressure, a preventable health risk, is challenging for many patients. Prompts via mobile phone SMS-text messaging may improve...
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Using SMS reminders in psychology clinics: a cautionary...

Using SMS reminders in psychology clinics: a cautionary...

From the Journal of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy

16 June 2015
From the PubMed abstract: "A randomized controlled trial investigated the impact of SMS appointment reminders (two levels: present or absent) on client attendance (three levels: attended, rescheduled, or did not...
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Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at...

Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at...

A Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews meta-analysis

12 December 2013
Authors' conclusions from the article: Low to moderate quality evidence included in this review shows that mobile phone text messaging reminders increase attendance at healthcare appointments compared to no...
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