Improving treatment adherence for blood pressure lowering via mobile phone SMS-messages in South Africa

An article from BMC Family Practice

Improving treatment adherence for blood pressure lowering via mobile phone SMS-messages in South Africa

From the results posted in PubMed: "Most participants were comfortable with the technology of using SMS-text messages. Messages were experienced as acceptable, relevant and useful to a broad range of participants. The SMS-content, the respectful tone and the delivery (timing of reminders and frequency) and the relational aspect of trial participation (feeling cared for) were all highly valued. A subgroup who benefitted the most, were those who had been struggling with adherence due to high levels of personal stress. The intervention appeared to coincide with their readiness for change, and provided practical and emotional support for improving adherence behaviour. Change may have been facilitated through increased acknowledgement of their health status and attitudinal change towards greater self-responsibility. Complex interaction of psycho-social stressors and health service problems were reported as broader challenges to adherence behaviours."

Study RegionSouth Africa
OrganizationSouth African Medical Research Council
Issue or ProblemIncrease blood pressure therapy adherence
Tech MediumSMS
Technology DeviceMobile phones
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunity for SMS reminders to improve adherence to blood pressure therapies
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