This Is Why Your Credit Card Transactions Take So Long...

13 September 2016

When you swipe a credit or debit card at the store, your done with the transaction instantly. So why can’t your account statement keep up? If you’ve wondered why it takes so long for purchases to show up on your credit card statement or withdraw from a bank, it’s because of a long, complicated process behind the scenes.


How to Survive a Mountain Lion Attack

13 September 2016

Mountain lions—also known as cougars, pumas, catamounts, or Florida panthers—have razor sharp claws, can weigh over 200 pounds, and can run at speeds of up to 50 mph. These aren’t your normal neighborhood kitty cats. Here’s what you should do if you encounter one in the wild.


Someone just lost 324k payment records, complete with CVVs

Someone just lost 324k payment records, complete with CVVs

13 September 2016
I see a lot of data breaches. I see a lot of legit ones and I see a lot of fake ones and because of that, I always verify them before making any claims that an organisation has been hacked. Usually I'll verify and...
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The Hiker's Day Pack

12 September 2016

An out and back hiking trip seems easy enough, but you still need to carry a lot of gear with you for food and safety. Reader J Brew shares their loadout from a recent trip up Mount Rainier.


Make Better Breakfast Sandwiches with Pressed, Crusty Bread

12 September 2016

Breakfast sandwiches are delicious, and while crusty bread like a baguette isn’t usually the first type you’d choose for one, if you do, press it, don’t toast it. You’ll thank us later.

