Handling Chinese data breaches in Have I been pwned

Handling Chinese data breaches in Have I been pwned

8 October 2016
Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websitesChina is an immensely fascinating place for many reasons. It's geographically bigger than the US, it has almost double the...
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How Exercise Improves Your Sleep

7 October 2016

Sleep is important when you’re trying to build muscle, but working your muscles is also important for getting good sleep. Here’s why.


Remains of the Day: Facebook Launches Standalone Events App

7 October 2016

Facebook has a tendency to spin off popular features into their own apps, and today they’re trying that strategy with Events. Their new Events app offers a more feature-rich calendar than its web counterpart along with new ways to browse and discover events. That and more in today’s news.


You Can't Tell How Drunk You Are When You're Around...

7 October 2016

You might think you’re a good judge of your own inebriation, but according to a recent study, we actually determine our state of drunkenness based on the people we’re drinking with.


Make a Cheap 360 Video Camera Using a Raspberry Pi

7 October 2016

360 video isn’t exactly the most common or useful video type around, but that doesn’t mean it’s not cool. Most of 360 cameras are pretty pricey, but if you just want to experiment, Tinkernut shows us that the Raspberry Pi can do the trick.

