Warm Up With Plyometrics for a Speed Boost

25 October 2016

Plyometric exercises aren’t just fancy ways of jumping. They can make you a faster runner if you do them regularly, and can build strength and power no matter what your sport. A quick plyo routine is a great way to warm up for a run, or to do as a mini workout any time.


Improve Date Night by Having Sex Before You Go Out

25 October 2016

Sex is an important part of the evening known as “date night,” but it doesn’t have to happen at the end of the date. In fact, there are a bunch of benefits to getting down before you even head out the door.


Renew Your Contact Lens Prescription at Home With Simple...

25 October 2016

The only reason I stopped wearing contacts was because I was too lazy to renew my prescription. Stores have strict rules about only selling to you if your prescription is valid, and most are only valid for two years. But now there are online tools that let you renew your contact lens prescription from home.


WhatsApp Starts Testing Video Calling For Beta Users

25 October 2016

WhatsApp is one of the biggest chat apps in the world, but it’s still been missing one key feature until now: video calling. If you’re running the WhatsApp beta, you can try it out.

