
9 November 2011
Not as happy as you want to be, but don't know why? Illuum is a new web app that lets you stop wondering. It'll help you figure out the whens and whys of your happiness. How does it work? Well, like a good friend, the first thing Illuum asks is how your day went. You give each day a rating, and then Illuum gets to work. It will analyze your ratings and, for example, tell you if you actually do have a reason to hate Mondays. Or if the winter blues are all in your head.

Sciral Consistency

9 November 2011
Application (iOS, Mac, PC) for tracking recurring tasks with flexible intervals (e.g. get a haircut every 4-5 weeks, call home every 3-5 days). Tasks can be organized by tags and sorted in multiple ways: name, due date, priority, and your consistency in completing them. Color coding is used to highlight tasks too soon to do (blue), within the target range (green to start, yellow on the last day), and red (overdue). Completion of a task resets the target range.


9 November 2011
Program for private diary keeping, to arrange, furnish, adapt and use according to own habits&needs&relevancies&themes. Options for supplementing diarytext with pictograms (glyphs) shorthand for habits in users everyday life. Permits time-indexed retro-entries to previous hours, same or previous days, &time-indexed annotations to previous entries. Options for keyword (and glyph) search and parsing in accumulated diary, producing assembly of occurrencies in their immediate diary ...

Tap Log

9 November 2011
A mobile application that allows users to log a wide variety of information quickly and consistently, and explore charts directly on their Android phones. Users are given the power to design and control the method of data-collection so that they can evolve their personal informatics system to suit their needs.

27 October 2011 is a tool that helps you define and track all of your goals, and other personal matrices in one place. See the big picture, helps you analyze, visualize, and summarize all of your data providing a complete overview of your life.