Routine Mammograms Found Not Helpful for Most Women Over 70

24 March 2014
More harm than good can result, and decision should be made case by case, study says
Source: HealthDay

Using “combined type” time intervals

23 March 2014
[Category: Dates, Times, & Schedules]The "Combined Type" Time IntervalThe article Combining time intervals in CDA, introduces and overviews the most sophisticated form of time expression in a CDA document, which we term the "combined type" time interval.In the XML representation of the "combined type" time interval in CDA, multiple effectiveTime or useablePeriod elements are used alongside each other and are combined with the operator attribute.Only certain instances of the effectiveTime ...

Combining time intervals in CDA

23 March 2014
[Category: Dates, Times, & Schedules; Original Post: 06-Feb-14]Note: Refer to the article Dates and times in CDA for an overview of the subject and links to other relevant CDA PRO Know articles and CDA PRO Learn sessions.There are many contexts in which an XML sub-element is added to "something" in CDA in order to capture the time interval when that "something" took place, or is relevant.Different Time Interval TypesAs noted in the article Dates and times in CDA, there are four different ...

The effectiveTime element

23 March 2014
[Category: Dates, Times, & Schedules; Original Post: 06-Feb-14]Throughout the XML hierarchy of a CDA document, there are XML elements named effectiveTime that are intended to represent a time period.One instance of the effectiveTime element is intended to take on a timestamp value representing a moment in time (usually a date, in this case). This is directly under the ClinicalDocument root XML element, where effectiveTime captures the time when the CDA document was created (or the date of ...

The operator attribute

23 March 2014
[Category: Attributes; Original Post: 19-Feb-14]The operator attribute is used with XML elements that represent times in a CDA document. It is used to enable multiple XML elements that represent dates and time to be "combined" together to form more complex time periods.For an overview on how this is done and some examples, refer to the article Combining time intervals in CDA.Principles for Using The operator AttributeIt only makes sense to use the operator attribute when there are multiple ...