
25 May 2011
StepGreen is a community site which allows people to share concrete suggestions for reducing their resource consumption. Actions are described along with their impact in terms of reduction of cost, energy, and CO2 emissions, and there's a discussion board for each item. StepGreen allows you to register your commitment to take any of the actions and then to record how often you actually take them. The site displays graphs showing the cumulative savings resulting from the actions you have ...


25 May 2011
Momento is an iPhone journal writing app. It allows you to make entries using text or photos and allows you to tag them with people from your address book, and locations from the GPS as well as category tags. In addition to what you capture on the phone itself, the app can automatically include events from web services, including twitter, facebook, flickr, and others. Any web service that provides an RSS or ATOM feed can be included. The app also has export and backup features.


25 May 2011
Pachube is a technically oriented website for sharing data streams from realtime sensors, such as environmental monitors (temperature, humidity, etc), or any other internet connected data source. You can publish your own data streams to Pachube using their API, and you can search or brows for data streams that other people are providing. The Pachube website lets you create live graphs of data streams from public devices, and embed them in websites. Developers can use data ...


25 May 2011
FuelFrog analyses your gas mileage to produce efficiency and spending trends. Data can be entered using the web, or twitter for free, or using a 99c iPhone app.

I Move You

25 May 2011
I Move You, or, (previously is a social networking site that allows members to quickly challenge their friends to "move," whether in a physical, philanthropic or social way. Members post challenges or "activity agreements" and invite friends from facebook, twitter, or email to join the site and participate with them. Examples include "go for a 30 minute walk every day" and "go shopping together." I Move You is the first product of Contagion Health, an early ...