Inherent Vice and Its Relation to Personal Health...

Inherent Vice and Its Relation to Personal Health...

Managing privacy, security, and safety as your health information technologies decline

20 May 2023
In the field of archival science, the term 'inherent vice' refers to the internal qualities or elements of certain objects that make them naturally prone to deterioration, regardless of the quality of care...
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A Cybersecurity Action Plan for Protecting Personal...

A Cybersecurity Action Plan for Protecting Personal...

Ensuring privacy and maintaining trust between individuals and healthcare providers

7 May 2023
It is crucial to have a Cybersecurity Action Plan for Protecting Personal Health Data because personal health data is sensitive and valuable information. A well-designed plan helps safeguard this data from...
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How to delete your personal health data

How to delete your personal health data

When does the right to be forgotten apply?

6 May 2023
The right to be forgotten legislation is a legal concept that has been gaining popularity in recent years. This legislation gives individuals the right to have their personal information removed from the public...
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Finding suggest value in self-management of blood pressure

Finding suggest value in self-management of blood pressure

Better hypertension management by both in-office and at-home blood pressure results

4 May 2023
Blood pressure readings taken in a physician's office can vary due to timing, equipment, and biological factors. Studies have linked variability between visits to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and...
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Questions you should ask when getting medical device...

Questions you should ask when getting medical device...

An article by Julie Charnet in Wired

7 August 2022
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US is in charge of ensuring the security of implantable medical devices. There are about thousands of different kinds of devices available, ranging from pacemakers to...
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