It can be surprisingly hard to get a decent shot of expansive buildings or architecture. Maybe there are tourists in your photo or your lens isn’t wide enough or your picture just won’t do the scene justice. For a better shot, focus on detail instead of the big picture.
Book stands are useful for propping up cookbooks, music books, or even a regular book when you’re reading, cooking, or just want to display the pages. If you have a wire hanger, you can make a sturdy book stand in under a minute.
The Star Trek original series Blu-ray, your favorite cold brew coffee maker, and tons of discounted vitamins lead off Tuesday’s best deals.
If you happen to have any Christmas cookies still hanging out, chances are they’re past their eating prime. Stale cookies aren’t the bad news you think they are though, as they can now become that divine substance known as “cookie butter.”
Remember when monkey bars were easier? Of course, you were probably a kid and way lighter. As an adult, monkey bars are still a fun way to build your upper body strength and endurance to ease you toward your first pull-up, or just feel like a strong-ass kid again.