Build Your Own Kindle Audio Adapter For Less Than $10

16 May 2016

Amazon currently sells audio adapters that enable visually impaired Kindle owners can have their audiobooks read aloud to them. Normally, this adapter costs around $20, but you can make your own for as little as half that.


Trees and Plants that Grow Fruit All Year Round

16 May 2016

If you have a little space for a garden, you’re probably growing seasonal vegetables—but there’s never a bad time of year to grow fruit, either. This graphic shows you all of the fruit you can grow at any time of year, including some year-round options that’ll feed you in the warm and cool months alike.


Jobs You Probably Never Considered, the Health Benefits...

16 May 2016

Some Monday morning inspiration, career options your guidance counselor probably never suggested, the real health benefits of yoga (that don’t require pricey pants), and more, all in this week’s Lifehacker Brain Buffet!


The Best Way to Poach Salmon Is With a Cold Start

15 May 2016

If you want to make perfectly poached salmon that isn’t overcooked, drop it in cold water and gradually crank up the heat.


Build a Raspberry Pi-Powered Media Player That Plays a...

15 May 2016

There are a ton of Simpsons episodes, but if you long for the days of just watching whatever episode happens to be playing on TV at any given moment, DIYer Stephen Coyle build a little system powered by a Raspberry Pi Zero that plays a random episode.

