Make This Fancy Italian Liqueur at Home

23 June 2016

I am completely obsessed with those fragrant, herbal, Italian liqueurs that fall under the category of “amaro.” I love ‘em neat, with a bit of soda, or splashed into cocktails. It never occurred to me that I could DIY the stuff, but Food 52 has come up with a method to do just that.


Beware a Higher APR If Your Credit Card Payment Is Late

23 June 2016

Paying your credit card late obviously leads to late fees and a drop in your credit score, but there’s yet another reason to avoid late payments: higher interest rates.


How to Get the Best Deals During This Week's Steam Sale

23 June 2016

Steam’s annual summer Sale is on now, but before you go and empty your wallet, here are some helpful tips to make sure you get the most for your money and catch the titles you really want.


Can You Eat Too Much Protein?

23 June 2016

Depending on who you ask, we’re either eating “too much” protein, or we need protein shake after protein shake just to build a little muscle or lose weight. The truth isn’t either of these. Some of us may need more, while others get more than enough—but more isn’t necessarily harmful. Here’s how to figure it all out.


Use This Checklist to Design Your Home For Healthy Eating

23 June 2016

In his book Slim By Design, Brian Wansink of Cornell University Food and Brand Lab talks about how the subtlest external cues can influence our tendency to eat mindlessly. He believes that with a few tweaks in your kitchen’s physical environment you can be reminded to make healthier choices more consistently.

