Why is “observation” under “entry”, “entryRelationship”, and “component”?

[Category: Clinical Act Statements]
The observation clinical act statement appears as an XML sub-element of three different parent elements in C-CDA documents:

  • entry

  • entryRelationship

  • component

why is this the case?

Clinical Act Statements
The article Clinical act statements, provides an overview of the clinical statements that form the "core" of a CDA document.

Clinical statements begin with an XML element of: act, encounter, procedure, observation, substanceAdministration, supply, or organizer.

Clinical statements are contained within entry elements, which in turn are contained within section elements, which in turn comprise the structured CDA Body, located in the XML path: ClinicalDocument/component/structuredBody.

Clinical statements can also be related to each other via relationship XML elements, such as entryRelationship. Refer to the article Act relationship elements, for additional information.

The organizer Clinical Act Statement
The clinical act statement element named organizer is a bit different than the others. It is used to represent clinical acts that, by their nature, have multiple component parts. The component parts of the organizer act are each represented within a sub-element of organizer named component. Refer to the article The organizer element, for additional information.

Three Different Contexts for observation
Given the context above, it should now be more clear why the observation appears in three different contexts (i.e. as an XML sub-element of three different parent XML elements) in C-CDA templates.

observation appears directly under the entry element when it is a primary clinical act statement in a section. For example, the Functional Status Section template in C-CDA, supports the direct placement of observation under entry - with C-CDA templates such as Functional Status Result Observation, Cognitive Status Result Observation, Assessment Scale Observations, or others being potentially applied to that observation.

observation appears directly under the component element when an organizer clinical act statement is used. In the C-CDA Functional Status Section template the organizer element may appear directly under an entry element of the section, with C-CDA templates Functional Status Result Organizer or Cognitive Status Result Organizer applied to it. In that case, the observation clinical act statements (with C-CDA templates such Functional Status Result Observation and Cognitive Status Result Observation applied to them) within those "organizer act" templates, would appear under entry/organizer/component.

observation appears directly under the entryRelationship when it is being related to another clinical act other than an organizer clinical act (including one observation clinical act related to another). For example, within the C-CDA Cognitive Status Result Observation (which, as noted above, might appear directly under entry or component) there can be an observation clinical act statement, with the C-CDA Assessment Scale Observation applied to it, placed under observation/entryRelationship.

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