Sponsored by: Sucuri: Incident Response, Monitoring, DDoS mitigation and WAF for websites

Given this thing seems to have some traction and people are enjoying them, I'm going to keep these weekly update videos going. As I mentioned last week though, I'm now travelling so that makes this one a little bit different.
I was in Edinburgh yesterday when I recorded this (I'm now in Glasgow), and I actually reckon it turned out kinda neat. Bit shorter (it's not as easy doing this standing around in the wind and the crowds), but hopefully still enjoyable:
- Why I particularly like managed platforms during outages (warning: multiple photos of my legs)
- News getting worse and worse for Yahoo (still no sign of the half a billion records that were taken either)
- Free Pluralsight webinar on half a dozen of the big hacks this year (Nissan LEAF, Philippines Election Commission, Lifeboat Minecraft site, Dropbox, Regpack, Yahoo)
- Free Varonis course on insider threats - "The Enemy Within" (if nothing else, watch it for Bob the guy who outsourced his job to China)
- Sponsored by Sucuri this week, big thanks to them! (it's actually mid-December I'm now sponsored through to!)