Using Tech to create Smart Walls and Tables for Dementia Care

Dementia care – it’s 4:00 and what’s happening?  In a nearby memory care unit in assisted living, the movie has ended. Next up – visitors hear loud yelling and observe a staff member needing to separate an able-bodied resident from the rest. Count the number of wheelchair-bound residents -- nearly half of the unit -- awaiting some physical care before dinner. these residents are increasingly frail because they are delaying move in until the need is urgent. Often staff is supplemented with home health or companion services -- nut these providers are assigned to individual residents, not the group -- just like the resident-specific role played by hospice workers. It may seem like there are many staffers around, but minus the 1-on-1 folks, there aren't enough to keep everyone else occupied. Now consider dependency on staff to engage these otherwise-bored and idle residents. Soon it will be dinner time and the activities person leaves for the day. Staff members (who earn on average $11.10/hour) are very busy with ADL-related chores before and after meals and before bedtime.

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