Unpacking the Black Box: A Formative Research Approach to the Development of Theory-Driven, Evidence-Based, and Culturally Safe Text Messages in Mobile Health Interventions

An article from JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research) JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2016 Jan 22;4(1):e10. doi: 10.2196/mhealth.4994

Unpacking the Black Box: A Formative Research Approach to the Development of Theory-Driven, Evidence-Based, and Culturally Safe Text Messages in Mobile Health Interventions

Objectives from the article abstract: The objective of this qualitative research study was to identify major factors that may impact on the effectiveness of evidence-based SMS messages designed to reduce health inequities in hypertension management in low resource settings, including Aboriginal populations in high-income countries and rural populations in low-income countries. Specifically, we were interested in uncovering the range of mediators that impact on appropriate message content transmission and, ultimately, on health behavior improvements in a range of these sociocultural settings.

Article conclusions from abstract: The quality of text messages impacts significantly on the effectiveness of a mobile health intervention. Our research underscores the urgent need for interventions to incorporate and evaluate the quality of SMS messages and to examine the mediators of meaning within each targeted cultural and demographic group. 

Study RegionCanada
OrganizationNorthern Ontario School of Medicine
Issue or ProblemEffectiveness of SMS messages in changing behavior
Tech MediumSMS
Technology Devicemobile technology
mFHAST ImplicationApply knowledge indicating what type of messaging is most effective
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