County Health Rankings Text Message Considerations

15 May 2018

Text messaging interventions can provide reminders, education, or self-management for health conditions. These interventions are most frequently used in health promotion efforts or to help individuals manage chronic diseases. Technology-based interventions, such as text messaging, can be combined with other approaches or delivered as part of a stepped care/progressive intervention, beginning with the least intensive treatment and moving to more intensive, and often expensive, treatments based on the needs of the individual patient.

Automated Behavioral Text Messaging and Face-to-Face...

Automated Behavioral Text Messaging and Face-to-Face...

An article from JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research) DOI: 10.2196/mhealth.4398

14 March 2016
From the article abstract: Children are 5 times more likely to be overweight at the age of 12 years if they are overweight during the preschool period. The purpose of this study was to establish the feasibility,...
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Feasibility of a Text Messaging Intervention to Promote...

Feasibility of a Text Messaging Intervention to Promote...

An article from the Oncology Nursing Forum

22 October 2015
From the PubMed article abstract: "To determine proof of concept of a mobile health (mHealth) intervention delivering text messages (texts) to self-manage among patients prescribed oral anticancer agents (OAs) and to...
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Effect of Lifestyle-Focused Text Messaging on Risk...

Effect of Lifestyle-Focused Text Messaging on Risk...

Article from the Journal of the American Medical Association

22 September 2015
From the JAMA Abstract: "Among patients with coronary heart disease, the use of a lifestyle-focused text messaging service compared with usual care resulted in a modest improvement in LDL-C level and greater...
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The Walking Interventions Through Texting (WalkIT) Trial

The Walking Interventions Through Texting (WalkIT) Trial

Article from the Journal of Medical Internet Research

14 September 2015
From the PubMed abstract: "Participants enrolled in a 2x2 factorial RCT and were assigned to one of four semi-automated, text message-based walking interventions. Experimental components included adaptive versus...
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