Socializing May Ease Pain of Breast Cancer

10 May 2013

Study found that women with the largest support networks reported best quality of life

HealthDay news image

Source: HealthDay

Prostate Cancer Research Institute

26 March 2013

Screenshot from the Prostate Cancer Research Institute websiteFrom the Prostate Cancer Research Institute website: The PCRI decision aide is intended to provide you with an in-depth roadmap that will empower you to locate and use information that is pertinent to your situation. Information referenced is provided by PCRI with links to other sources to help you to take charge of your treatment plan. It is not meant to be a textbook on prostate cancer. There are many fine books listed on our Books page.

Cancer 101

20 March 2013

Screenshot of Cancer 101

From the Cancer 101: CANCER101′s mission is to empower, inform and engage cancer patients and their caregivers to take control over their diagnoses and partner with their healthcare team to make informed decisions by navigating the cancer journey. Our tools are designed to empower patients and caregivers to take control over their diagnosis from the moment they learn they have cancer through the next ten years of follow-up care. C101 helps anyone touched by cancer including the newly diagnosed, those with a recurrence, metastatic disease, survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals.