What You Need to Know About Pre-Existing Conditions...

26 May 2017
A picture of a healthcare staff person looking through paper health records.

The current edition of Trumpcare is pretty awful for people with pre-existing conditions, the Congressional Budget Office’s analysis (the “CBO score”) confirmed recently.

We Can’t Pretend Juice Is Healthy for Babies Anymore

22 May 2017
Picture of a young baby sipping on a bottle,


Juice is liquid candy. Sure, it has a few more vitamins than your average can of Coke, but it also has more sugar. Your days of pretending it’s healthy are over: the American Academy of Pediatricians has finally found the guts to tell us to stop giving juice to babies.


This Is How Much Vaginal Discharge is Normal

9 May 2017
A picture of a woman.

It’s totally normal to have vaginal discharge, a sort of whitish fluid, showing up in your underwear (if you are a person who has a vagina). But if you’re seeing a lot of it, you may wonder, how much is okay? In this video, gynecologist Dr. Jen Gunter demonstrates.