I've had this idea in mind for a while to start capturing some video on a weekly basis about things that are topical and interesting but that I'm probably just not going to get around to blogging into detail. Writing is massively time consuming plus I reckon there's a bit more candour that comes across in video.
As I say in the intro, see if you like it. If it's good, let me know. If it's not, well, you probably should also let me know or at least tell me how to improve it. I'm about to head back to Europe for a few weeks so it'll be interesting to see if it makes any sense doing it while I'm away (and indeed if I can even manage to), so the feedback will be awesome.
See how this goes:
- The Yahoo story on the BBC (yeah, I had a haircut between that one this morning and the one above)
- The Regpack data breach (but remember - don't call it a breach!)
- Using Azure Functions and the CloudFlare API to deal with massive traffic (67 million requests in 24 hours and only 1% of them hitting my origin)
- Upcoming Europe travel and where I'll be when (I've got a lot of travel coming...)