MHSR Day 1: Welcome Session

MHSR Day 1: Welcome SessionThe National Institute of Mental Health hosted the 23rd Conference on Mental Health Services Research (MHSR) with the theme, “Harnessing Science to Strengthen the Public Health Impact.” The MHSR is the nation’s premier mental health services research conference. The August 1-2, 2016 conference brought together leading mental health services researchers, clinicians, mental health advocates, and federal and nonfederal partners. For additional information about this conference, please see the Meeting Summary. This video captures the welcome session on the first day of the conference and features MHSR Conference Co-Chairs:  Michael C. Freed, Ph.D., Chief, Services Research and Clinical Epidemiology Branch, NIMH  Susan T. Azrin, Ph.D., Chief, Primary Care Research Program, NIMH  Shelli Avenevoli, Ph.D., Acting Deputy Director, NIMH  Robert K. Heinssen, Ph.D., ABPP, Director, Division of Services and Intervention Research, NIMH Description
Categories: Mental Health
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