Formatting telephone numbers

[Category: Names & Addresses]
The article The telecom element, describes the XML syntax for representing phone numbers, e-mail addresses, internet addresses, and similar in CDA documents, using the telecom element.

As noted in that article, telephone numbers are placed in the value attribute of the telecom element, and are represented using URI format, such as: tel:+1-(123)-456-7890.

The tel: Prefix is Required
It is syntactically invalid to represent a telephone number in the value attribute of the telecom element without prefixing it with the tel: prefix.

Unfortunately, there are quite a few examples in the C-CDA specification document (the C-CDA implementation guide) that violate this rule and are thus not correct.

Best Practice: Phone Number Should Begin with a + Sign
The CDA specification and its underlying specifications do not require a specific format for the phone number itself that follows the tel: prefix.

However, it is considered a best practice - and noted in the CDA Book - that the "global phone number" format should be used which has the following characteristics:

  • begins with a + sign

  • after the + sign can be any sequence of digits and "separator symbols": -, ., (, or )

  • the "separator symbols" are for readability only and are not considered to have have semantic significance

  • optionally, after the main phone number, it is allowed for their to be the sequence ;ext= followed by an extension number (digits only)

Guidance for CDA Senders and Receivers
If you are creating a CDA document, you should adhere strictly to the best-practice. Receivers can be more "forgiving", especially on the format of the phone number.

The use of the tel: prefix should be an absolute requirement. Unfortunately, the official TTT Validator does not flag this. And as noted above, there are C-CDA implementation guide samples without it. So, it should not be surprising to find CDA documents that have this issue.

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