Fitlinxx Actiped

ActiHealth is a personal activity and health tracking solution consisting of wireless activity sensors, wireless medical devices and a web site. The web site captures and displays real-time data from FitLinxx’s all-day activity tracking device, called the ActiPed+, and from medical devices that have been enabled with FitLinxx’s BodyLAN™ wireless technology. The ActiPed+ is a very small, wireless activity sensor that clips onto any shoe and accurately tracks steps, distance traveled, calories burned and activity time. Additionally, the ActiScale, a wireless weight scale, and ActiPressure, a wireless Blood Pressure monitor, can be added for enhanced weight and blood pressure management. The data from all ActiHealth devices is sent wirelessly to where members create a personal web site by choosing from a variety of engaging applications that allow them to track their data, set goals, create contests and join communities.
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