Feasibility and User Perception of a Fully Automated Push-Based Multiple-Session Alcohol Intervention for University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

An article published in the Journal of Medical Internet research (JMIR)

Feasibility and User Perception of a Fully Automated Push-Based Multiple-Session Alcohol Intervention for University Students: Randomized Controlled Trial

From the article abstract: 

Background: "In recent years, many electronic health behavior interventions have been developed in order to reach individuals with unhealthy behaviors, such as risky drinking. This is especially relevant for university students, many of whom are risky drinkers."

Conclusions: "Based on the feedback from the students, an extended, multiple-session, push-based intervention seems to be a feasible option for students interested in additional support after a single-session alcohol intervention. SMS as a mode of delivery seems to have some advantages over email regarding when a message is read and the proportion of messages read. However, more students in the SMS group stopped the intervention than in the email group. Based on these promising findings, further studies comparing the effectiveness of single-session interventions with extended multiple-session interventions delivered separately or in combination are warranted."


Study RegionSweden
OrganizationTechnical Faculty, Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Issue or ProblemRisky drinking among college and university students
Tech MediumSMS
Technology DeviceSmartphone
mFHAST ImplicationOpportunity to use SMS as a health behavior intervention in college students who display unhealthy behaviors such as risky drinking.
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